Home » XCode Shortcuts for iOS Development

XCode Shortcuts for iOS Development

by Bikram Aryal
5 minutes read

Xcode offers a wide range of keyboard shortcuts to improve your productivity as a developer. Here are some essential Xcode shortcuts for various common tasks:


  • Cmd + 0: Show or hide the Navigator.
  • Cmd + 1: Show or hide the Project navigator.
  • Cmd + 2: Show or hide the Source code editor.
  • Cmd + 3: Show or hide the Interface Builder.
  • Cmd + 4: Show or hide the Debug area.
  • Cmd + 5: Show or hide the Assistant editor.
  • Cmd + 6: Show or hide the Version editor.
  • Ctrl + 1, Ctrl + 2, Ctrl + 3: Toggle between different editor modes.


  • Cmd + Z: Undo.
  • Cmd + Shift + Z: Redo.
  • Cmd + C: Copy.
  • Cmd + X: Cut.
  • Cmd + V: Paste.
  • Cmd + A: Select all.
  • Cmd + F: Find.
  • Cmd + G: Find next.
  • Cmd + Shift + G: Find previous.

File Operations:

  • Cmd + N: New file or item.
  • Cmd + O: Open an existing file.
  • Cmd + S: Save the current file.
  • Cmd + Shift + S: Save all files.
  • Cmd + W: Close the current file.
  • Cmd + Shift + W: Close the active workspace or project.
  • Cmd + Q: Quit Xcode.

Code Navigation:

  • Ctrl + 6: Show the symbol navigator.
  • Cmd + Shift + O: Open quickly to search for files and symbols.
  • Cmd + J: Jump bar, navigate between classes, functions, and methods.
  • Cmd + ] / Cmd + [: Indent or unindent code.
  • Cmd + /: Comment or uncomment the selected code.

Build and Run:

  • Cmd + B: Build your project.
  • Cmd + R: Run your app.
  • Cmd + .: Stop execution.


  • Cmd + Y: Activate the Debug area.
  • Cmd + \: Continue execution.
  • Cmd + Option + 0: Show or hide the Debug navigator.
  • Cmd + Option + Y: Show or hide the Debug console.

Version Control:

  • Cmd + Option + C: Commit changes.
  • Cmd + Option + B: Show or hide the source control navigator.
  • Cmd + Option + M: Merge changes.

Interface Builder:

  • Cmd + =: Align items.
  • Cmd + ] / Cmd + [: Move forward or backward in the document outline.
  • Cmd + Shift + L: Show or hide the library.

These are just a selection of useful Xcode shortcuts. You can explore more keyboard shortcuts and customize them in Xcode by going to “Xcode” > “Preferences” > “Key Bindings.” This allows you to set up custom shortcuts or modify existing ones to match your workflow.

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